Monday, July 25

i don't even remember the last time i wrote on here. i never feel like it anymore, but i think it's time i updated a few things(:
the last week has been pretty tough. my mom kinda decided that she wanted to move to arizona, so of course i wanted to go with. i love it there.. i didn't think i would though, cause well.. the best thing that has ever happened to me is here. i wasn't about to ask zakk to go with me, even though i told him i wanted him to..
we went on and off, saying we would move there with mom, and now i guess the decision is final and i'm not going..
i never really told any family about it because i didn't wana say i was leaving incase plans changed. zakk isn't ready to do that, which i understand.
but as far as i know, i'll be moving to gladstone with zakk (where he lives) when mom leaves, if not earlier. i'm not sure yet. but when mom leaves for arizona, she's driving and i told her i still wanted to go with her, and zakk and i are going to take the trip with her, and stay down there for a couple weeks, just cause we can(:
i'm stoked..
i know, for any family members that may read this, i know i won't have much support since i'll be living with zakk at his house for awhile until something else happens, but this is what i'm deciding to do..
i don't have everything planned out, and that might be a bad idea, but i don't really care all that much. i don't like planning my whole life out. that's no fun.
all i know right now is that i love zakk more than anything and there's no way i could move and be without him. i would be miserable and i would hate it. it's just not worth leaving and hating my life without him.
young love?
just a little.


me: hey! you're doing a good job sweeping..
josh: i'm not being paid though!
me: cinderella was never paid...
josh: yeah! that's why she QUIT!
me: she didn't quit! she married prince charming you idiot!!